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fr thats why i made a discord


fr man

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2 Hurt 1 Dead

looks like a crime scene

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yo just found out that you can shoot while beeng ragdoll press e and then 2 3 or 4

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I knew this it makes you shoot air straight up AIR and it still kills ppl

funny bug

El Gato


I'll let you all find it, lol



yes u are lmao

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not true i found it first but I didn’t care about it

GGs then. I'm the first one to find it and THEN post proof, lol.

Deleted 1 year ago

sry but i am i found it like 2 days ago

but i might be discalifided because i have no proof so we like both fist to see it

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@Lkcraft I found it like on the third update of this game

yes el gato

Deleted 1 year ago


hey man just a quest do you have an older version of rf4? we are currently trying too find one. it would help us a ot if you have it. sry for sudden message but please answer

hey bro, im sorry i dont have it but im sure you'll find it ! have a good day

vasi merci ( jvien de voir que tu parles francais 

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idk lol

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Ragdoll dude like: idk lol not my problem

oh god

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I found 2 bugs One the new guns clip through your face in first-person mode the last bug is if you hold the left click while holding the assault rifle and then switch to the pistol or any gun then the gun shoots as fast as the rifle PLS DON’T REMOVE THIS BUG

ima try it looks sick

it work thx for the tip dude this is soooo fun

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(1 edit)

by pressing e and spacebar at the same time, i found a bug that makes you flyyyyyyyyyyy but dont worry about it its funny plus your busy adding more things to the game. its just so you know about this. also, the blood texture only shows on the ragdoll when the blood part touches the ground. if not, it wont appear 

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W New Guns

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Grabbing and making the ragdolls you spawn by clicking F be able to stand up and bleed will be cool


This is amazing, man! Keep it up!

I would love to have more guns, and to make the ragdolls behave better when shot, like..

when I shoot them 2 times with a pistol, they should stop moving, lol


Yeah the ragdolls are quite buggy sometimes lol, im trying to find a fix


Like, what guns would you want?

(1 edit) (+1)

Well, I know the guns are a WIP, but maybe not being able to see through them would be great.

☝️Just a suggestion 


Shotgun (Maybe something like a Mossberg or a Double Barrel)

Revolver (Sixgun action, lol)

Submachine Gun (MP5 perhaps.)

Semi-Auto Rifle (I want to hear the ping of an M1 Garand so bad, 😂)

If we could have those, it would be amazing! However, the game is already in a very fun state, and I understand if you may not be able to add all of them! Thanks for reading :)


OH! And explosive guns as well, such as an RPG and a Grenade Launcher..

Maybe dynamite as well ;)

hey man one quest. do you still have an older version of rf4? if you do, do NOT delete it. ill talk to you just tell me if you have it or not. pls

I don't, nope


Thanks for the support tho!

(1 edit)



this game is a 10/10 as swagboi's friend (ragdoll dude)

Thanks bro

it is me DEAM SLAYER!


(8 edits) (+1)

Pls make that you can have blood yourself by falling or the spikes and pls make so we can spawn normal buddies and not ragdoll alredy and that the skin is more "human" like in your other game keep the content this is the best game ever and like wooooow cause the grafics and blood are like gtav but a lot better be great if you could punch with left click and better aim and a bazooka sry if i ask too much

Thanks for the support! Might do some of your suggestions in the future

Ty so much dude

W game all it needs is a couple of more weapons and a little bit more gore but its the still the best ragdoll game ive played huge W!

(1 edit)

Thanks bro i appreciate it (i might add more weapons)

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pls don’t remove the blood it is so good Also for some reason the barrels explode by themself when you don’t shoot them and wait like 5 minutes

ithe barrels explode bc the npcs walk into them lol and no im not going to remove the blood like why would i

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print (every day I check my feed when I see a notification in my feed my HEART BEATS SO FAST thinking there might be a new update and there was with more strawberry jam The thing that makes me like any game and barrels that go boom boom best free ragdoll game ever

(Also you should make DLC I will buy it all with my allowance)

(One more thing there should be a DLC that makes there be more blood)
(One more thing again I’m not lying this time this took like 10- 20 mins to type ahhhhhhh)


(Last thing this time actually this game is growing in size until it takes up my 9.81 GB of storage last thing no CAP 🧢)

Edit: (I lied again sry where’s ragdoll fun 2?💀)

Edit: (know what idc anymore I broke my promise of this is the last thing this will never end anyways This is the bloodiest game I ever played other than Mortal Kombat 11 and XL and Trepang 2 Plus Doom 2 and Doom 3) Print (If you read the whole thing you are Chad) \\end

Nah im not gonna make a dlc,

no its not gonna take 10gb anytime soon lol

i forgor about ragdoll fun 2 💀

i dont think this is the bloodiest game but whatever lol

yes i am chad i read it all

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Giga Chad

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how will you make dollars off this game if no DLC

idc about money, i just develop this game for fun :)

thx cause its sooo good

You are a true W Gigachad.

btw u can donate if u want ;)

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i will dono now that you reminded me about it


download it it's epic

yes epic

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a city now all we need is web shooters edit: and mods

bruh no

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No spider-man 😭😭


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wdym NPCs bounce when they get shot?

it very rarely happens

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Neck bleeding Blood on Walls WE ALMOST HAVE GORRE!!!!!



The game looks good and funny! I love when there is a ragdoll in the game, I wish you good luck in developing other games!

Thanks a lot! I'm glad you like it

Someone need to port this to Android




You're not forced


my pc is low end and i put ghraphics to very low still my pc Does a green screen can u make it for low end pc


nah not really, those are the lowest graphics i can make


Can u make another ragdoll game for low end pc Plsss?


I can't rly just make a game like that


and btw it works on my grandmas pc which is rly bad so yeah


can u add Bleeding like when u shoot the npc's They will bleed and it will stain the floor


pls? ill subscribe to you

the game is super good but the shooting range is laggy

yeah i haven't optimized the shooting range that well

hey man just a quest do you have an older version of rf4? we are currently trying too find one. it would help us a ot if you have it. please answer

pls make the blue guy a playable character

alr sure i can prob do that


hey man one quest. do you still have an older version of rf4? if you do, do NOT delete it. ill talk to you just tell me if you have it or not. pls


i actually like this game! what?


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you should add blood stains or gore

could try sometime

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i made a video about this game here also thanks for fixing the bug where only people with mouses could shoot

Thanks for making a vid

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your welcome

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oh yeah I forgot it only had four views when I saw it


this looks fun

It is lol

if u haven't played it yet PLAY IT

its was fun

(1 edit)

i told you it's fun

hey man just a quest do you have an older version of rf4? we are currently trying too find one. it would help us a ot if you have it. please answer 

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cool i subbed

Thanks bro

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good but pls make it people with no mouse friendly I don’t have mouse and I cant shoot HELP

Deleted 1 year ago
(3 edits)

Hey man, I understand you now. I fixed the bug and updated the game. Just download the game again from this site to get the update, and then the bug will be fixed!

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Oh I deleted the game because you can’t shoot without mouse Me can’t buy mouse

(1 edit) (+1)

it needs a grabbing feature but its pretty fresh

(1 edit)

Like grabbing ragdolls? Thanks for the support tho!


Yes, I totally agree. The game is already pretty cool, but I think it'd be fun to be able to "use" the ragdolls. Like throwing ragdolls at one another. Or, to give another example, I think it would be even more fun if ragdolls crushed under your weight when you jump on top of them.

hey man just a quest do you have an older version of rf4? we are currently trying too find one. it would help us a ot if you have it.

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been a month no grabbing

idk its too hard to make tbf

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you dont know what I’m going though in UNITY its way worse

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